Transformed by Jesus: Mission Sunday 2019


November is mission month. Celebrate what God is doing in the world and how God calls us to share the good news with others. Here are some tools to plan a Mission Sunday celebration. In the links to the right, you'll find a sermon starter, children's story ideas, worship songs, readings, and two bulletin inserts. We hope you'll find them helpful.

The Gospel text in the Revised Common Lectionary for Nov. 3 is Luke 19:1-10. It is a story of mission, showing Jesus on the move, making disciples as he goes (see Matthew 28:16-20). Earlier in Luke, Jesus described himself as "anointed" and "sent" by "the Spirit of the Lord" to "bring good news to the poor" (4:18-19). In Jericho, as he nears completion of his journey to Jerusalem (which began in 9:51), Jesus encounters Zacchaeus, a "chief tax collector" who was "rich." Will Zacchaeus answer the call to God's mission from God's Spirit-anointed Son?

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