Grandpa's Window

illust. Udayana Lugo
Book, 2023, 27 pp
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Every window at the hospital faces dull, gray buildings--except the one in Grandpa's room.

Grandpa can see the ocean every day! When Daria visits, she and Grandpa look out at the beach, hoping they will build sandcastles and fly kites together again.

This touching exploration of a child's experience of loss offers an unexpected ending, encouraging creativity and self-expression in the midst of grief.

Grandpa's Window addresses the grieving process, both as a family member approaches the end of life as well as after death. The reading guide suggests ways for you to explore these ideas further with children, and includes conversation starters and art activities to help children express their feelings. Also included is a note for adults by child and family psychotherapist Sharie Coombes, which offers advice on how to support children who are grieving the loss of a loved one.

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