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The Anatomy of Reconciliation - from violence to healing: God's Forgiveness and Ours

DVD, 2006, 75:58 min
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Miroslav Volf is the director of Yale Center for Faith and Culture and Henry B. Wright Professor of Theology at Yale Divinity School. A native of Croatia, he has forged a theology of forgiveness and non-violence in the face of the horrendous violence experienced in Croatia and Serbia in the 1990s. His book, Exclusion and Embrace: Identity, Otherness, Reconciliation was written in response to a question posed to him by theologian Juergen Moltmann, "But can you embrace the cetniks?" (The Serbian fighters who were known to have perpetrated murder of Croat children and the rape of their mothers.)

Educated in Croatia, the United States, and Germany, Volf earned doctoral and post-doctoral degrees with highest honors from the University of Tuebingen in Germany. His nine published books and over 60 scholarly articles include After our Likeness: The church as the Image of the Trinity.

A transcript is available for download (pdf).

Theological Reflection Guide for loan or download.

A study guide and discussion questions regarding the work of Miroslav Volf is also available for download (pdf).

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