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Introducing the Missional Church: What it is, Why it Matters, How to Become One

Book, 2009, 208 pp
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An accessible introduction to the missional church movement.

Ours is a post-Christian culture, making it necessary for church leaders to think like missionaries right here at home. In Introducing the Missional Church, two leading voices in the missional movement provide an accessible introduction, explaining how the movement developed, why it's important, and how churches can become more missional.
"Roxburgh and Boren offer the clearest explication of missional thinking. I believe this book is the very best on the missional church. Highly recommended."--Ryan Bolger, associate professor, Church in Contemporary Culture, Fuller Theological Seminary; coauthor, Emerging Churches

"If you've ever wondered what 'missional' means and what real difference it makes in the life of the church, this is the place to start."--John R. Franke, Clemens Professor of Missional Theology, Biblical Seminary; author, Manifold Witness

"A wonderful, imaginative exploration into what it means for the church to be missional. Roxburgh and Boren navigate through the defining issues and then give us concrete means for leading our churches through the transition. It is the book we have sorely needed."--David Fitch, B. R. Lindner Chair of Evangelical Theology, Northern Seminary,

"Introducing the Missional Church supplies one's journey with God into the uncharted waters of being God's people in a changing culture."--C. Gene Wilkes, PhD, senior pastor, Legacy Church, Plano, Texas; author, Jesus On Leadership

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