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In the Sanctuary of Women: A Companion for Reflection & Prayer

Book, 2010, 320 pp
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Come spend some time in the sanctuary of women, an often-ignored space in Jewish and Christian history. This devotional book for women highlights six women from around the world and across the centuries, inviting us to discover what their lives tell us about God. Jan Richardson, a gifted poet, artist, and author, believes it is essential for women to listen to one another's wisdom and bring the fullness of their lives, with all their wonders and messiness, into their prayer life.

Each of the six chapters introduces you to a woman of faith who will be your companion for 31 days (or however long you choose to spend on each reading):
  • Eve
  • Brigid of Kildare
  • The desert mothers
  • Hildegard of Bingen
  • Harriet Powers (an emancipated slave and talented quiltmaker)
  • The bride in the Song of Solomon
Each reading features Richardson's musings on the woman from history, interwoven with her own stories, occasional poetry, beautiful prayers, and a closing blessing. Midway through each chapter, a section called "The Secret Room" gives you a chance to pause and reflect on unexpected insights. Each chapter ends with a list of books that will help you further explore the women and themes in that chapter.

You may choose to complete one reading a day or dip into them as you wish. If you read one selection a day, this book will carry you through six months.

For individual or group study. For a Guide for Reading Groups, an interactive blog, and more, check the website.

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