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Race: the Power of an Illusion

DVD, 2003, 168 min
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This video challenges one of our most fundamental beliefs: that humans come divided into a few distinct biological groups. The definitive three-part series is an eye-opening tale of how what we assume to be normal, commonsense, even scientific, is actually shaped by our history, social institutions and cultural beliefs.

Series includes:
  • The Difference Between Us - Everyone can tell a Norwegian from a Nubian, so why doesn't it make sense to sort people into biological races? Examine the contemporary science - including genetics - that challenges our assumptions about human groups.
  • The Story We Tell - Hasn't race always been with us? Explore the roots of the race concept, including the 19th-century science that justified it and how it gained such a hold over our minds.
  • The House We Live In - Race may be a biological myth, but racism gives different groups vastly different life chances. Forty years after the Civil Rights Movement, the playing field is still not level and "colourblind" policies only perpetuate inequality.
Study Guide included.

(3 sessions)

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