Healing a Spouse's Grieving Heart: 100 Practical Ideas After Your Husband or Wife Dies

Book, 2003, 110 pp
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When your spouse dies, your loss is profound. Not only have you lost the companionship of someone you deeply loved, you have lost your helpmate, your lover, the person who shared your history, and perhaps your financial provider. Learning to cope with your grief and find continued meaning in life will be difficult, but you can and you will if you embrace the principles set forth in this practical guide.

This book offers 100 practical, here-and-now suggestions for helping elderly mourners, young widows and widowers, unmarried lovers, and same-sex partners mourn well so they can go on to live well and love well again. Bereaved spouses will find advice on when and how to dispose of their mate's belongings, dealing with their children, and redefining their role with friends and family. Whether your spouse died recently or long ago, you will find comfort and healing in this compassionate book.

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