Climate Action for Peace


The kind of change we need can’t be done by one person alone: we’re doing this work together.

Around the world, MCC’s partners work to support people in adapting to the challenges of climate change. Climate change is making difficult situations even worse. To work for just and durable peace is to name, dismantle and transform structures and legacies of injustice, including those that contribute to differential impacts of climate change around the world.

As two of the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitters, Canada and the United States have a responsibility to not only lower their own emissions, but to support those in countries who have significantly lower emissions but face disproportionately higher effects. The federal governments in Canada and the U.S. can – and must – generate the kind of change that would make a difference. We need your voice to help bring about climate justice.

Help us send a message to decision makers. With your voice, we can ensure Canadian and U.S. climate policy is rooted in serving people and supporting long-standing initiatives that will help bring lasting, just peace for people around the world.

From fact sheets, articles, blog posts, podcasts and videos that will help teach you more about sometimes difficult topics, to public engagement resources that encourage you to get involved in activities in your local community, to upcoming events you can attend with friends, neighbours and loved ones, to worship resources that can be used in the congregation, the information and resources here were created for you as a helpful step towards bringing about climate justice.

This resource is part of the Together in Hope: Toward Faith-Based Intergenerational Dialogue and Action in the Climate Crisis collection.

Recommended use: Find immediate opportunities for action and advocacy

Recommended audience: adults

Difficulty level: This is an easily accessible resource.

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