Field Notes for the Wilderness: Practices for an Evolving Faith

Book, 2024, 235 pp
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It’s hard to leave a faith that has raised us. Maybe it’s even harder to stay. But what can feel impossible is living in the tension. Living with a faith that evolves.

Sarah Bessey is well-practiced at faithfully stumbling forward. As an author and co-founder of Evolving Faith, a community for progressive Christians, she has been trusted by countless people to pursue a reconstruction of faith centered on compassion, truth, and inclusion. Bessey has found a deeply underserved and underestimated remnant in the wilderness of Christianity who are still devoted to Jesus, deeply rooted in the Gospel, fascinated with Scripture, and committed to reimagining their faith.

Field Notes for the Wilderness guides us through multiple principles to live by for an evolving faith, including

  • practicing wonder and curiosity as spiritual disciplines
  • mothering ourselves with compassion and empathy
  • making space for lament and righteous rage
  • finding good spiritual teachers
  • discovering what we are for in this life, and moving in that direction

In this nurturing and insightful book, Bessey becomes a shepherd for our curiosity, giving us a table for our questions, tools to cultivate what we crave, and a blessing for what was—-even as we leave it behind.

Also see the accompanying Guided Journal.

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