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Come Again? Exploring the Hard Sayings of Jesus

Book, 2000, 42 pp
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It's so easy to think of Jesus as the stained glass shepherd with a lamb draped around his neck. But what aboat the Jesus who claimed he came to bear a sword, not peace? What are we to think of the Jesus who turned away a potential disciple because the would-be follower wanted to attend his father's funeral? How do we reconcile Jesus the healer with the Jesus who thought it was better to cut off a hand or foot than to give in to temptation? Will we ever be able to stomach the Jesus who used drinking blood and eating flesh as a litmus test for the faith? Come Again? introduces us to some of the hardest sayings of Jesus and greatly enlarges what we understand about him. No faith is complete without first facing into these troublesome teachings.

(6 sessions)

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