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Secure in God's House: Shelter in the Bible

Book, 2004, 59 pp
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In times of anxiety and insecurity, what a comforting promise we find in this familiar Psalm:

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long. (Ps. 23:6)

While I love the picture on our cover, it leads me to wonder how artists in other cultures might imagine God's house. Perhaps the first thing our our picture is missing is a wide front porch where people greet and connect with those passing by.

As author Ann Weber Becker hints in her introduction to this study, the security we find in God's shelter is not a gift intended for just a few. Secure in our place in God's house, as God's precious children, we're free to hang out on that porch and invite others inside-confident that there will always be plenty of room for more.

(11 sessions)

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