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read, think, pray, live: a guide to reading the bible in a new way

Book, 2003, 149 pp
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In these pages, you'll see how lectio divina, an ancient method of prayer holds great promise for us, living in the noisy twenty-first century.

Lectio divina has four steps. Because this practice began during the time when Latin was the language of the church, the steps are still known by their Latin names. They are
  • Lectio: a selection or a reading
  • Meditatio: thinking over or meditation
  • Oratio: speaking or praying
  • Contemplatio: contemplation
READ: the Bible, ancient writings, your journal.

THINK: about life, about God, about others.

PRAY: for wisdom, for peace, for help.

LIVE: in the moment, to the fullest, for His glory.

Engage you faith. Learn from a teaching that has worked for hundreds of years, and you'll find yourself challenged and encouraged to get to know God in brand new ways.

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