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Body Talk: Speaking the Words of Health

Book, 2007, 158 pp
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This study book is on the stewardship of your health - but in this study you won't find the diet or exercise plan perfect for you and you won't learn about the ins and outs of MMA's health insurance plans. What you'll study in these pages is how your health, and your stewardship of it, affect your life and the lives of those around you - even into your community. Each of us has been given the gift of life by God. We live in various stages of "good" health. Maybe you feel health, maybe you don't. But if you're not taking care of the health you do have, what does that say to the God who created you?

Practical ways to implement the suggestions are given. Each chapter ends with discussion questions you can answer as a group, or individually, that will help you identify areas where you may need to do some repair work.

(12 Lessons)
GenreGroup Study/Workshop
TopicPhysical Body, Self-Care
AudienceAdults, Leaders

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